Cantor in KDE Applications 15.04
KDE Applications 15.04 release brings a new version of the scientific programming software Cantor, with a lot of news. I am specially happy with this… Continue a ler »Cantor in KDE Applications 15.04
KDE Applications 15.04 release brings a new version of the scientific programming software Cantor, with a lot of news. I am specially happy with this… Continue a ler »Cantor in KDE Applications 15.04
Stockholm [This post is off-topic for some Planet readers, sorry for it. I just expect to get some help with free software communities.] Exciting times… Continue a ler »Moving to Stockholm
Season of KDE is an outreach program hosted by the KDE community. This year I am working as a mentor to a long time requested project… Continue a ler »Presenting a Season of KDE 2014 student – Minh Ngo
KDE 4.14 was released in August 2014 but I did not have time to write about new features in Cantor for that release. So, let’s… Continue a ler »Cantor: new features in KDE 4.14
In recent weeks I had an intense “Month of KDE Contributor” that began with LaKademy, the KDE Latin American Summit, and ended with Akademy, the KDE World Summit. It… Continue a ler »Month of KDE Contributor: From LaKademy …
In recent weeks I had an intense “Month of KDE Contributor” that began with LaKademy, the KDE Latin American Summit, and ended with Akademy, the KDE World Summit. It… Continue a ler »Month of KDE Contributor: …to Akademy
Some months ago I wrote about the new features available in Cantor from KDE 4.13 release. But I did not write about a new nice… Continue a ler »Code completion in Cantor script editor