Past September the Italian city of Milan hosted the KDE contributors meeting called Akademy, the main KDE conference where contributors from different areas like translators, developers, artists, promoters and more stay together for some days thinking and building the future of KDE projects and community(ies).
Firstly before Akademy I departed from Brazil to Portugal to attendee an artificial intelligence conference in Vila Real, the EPIA conference. After that, I flew from Porto to Milan and started my days in Akademy 2019.
Unfortunately I arrived only in the end of the first morning, so I lost interesting presentations like Qt 6 and KDE’ Goals. But at the afternoon I could to watch the presentations of Plasma for mobile, MyCroft on automotive industry, the KDE e.V. report and the students showcase – nice to see interesting projects developed by the newcomers.
The second day I liked the presentations about KPublicTransportat, LibreOffice on Plasma, Get Hot New Stuffs – maybe I will use this framework in a project of my work – and the Caio’s presentation about kpmcore.
After the social party (wow, that was a party), next days were full of BoFs, for me the most interesting part of Akademy.
The Gitlab workshop was interesting because we could to discuss some specific stuffs of KDE migration to that tool. I liked KDE move to Gitlab and I expect all our projects can do this migration ASAP. Cantor is there for some time now.
In the KDE websites BoF I could understand a bit more about the new Jekyll theme for our sites. I expect we will have a internationalization approach soon. After attendee this event, I created a new website for Cantor during LaKademy 2019.
The KDE Craft BoF was interesting to see how to build and distribute our software to Windows. I expect to work in this topic during this year and provide a Cantor package in Windows Store.
I attended the QML and Kirigami workshop organized by Maui project. Nice way to learn how to use Kirigami for future projects.
Lastly, I attended the “All About the Apps Kick Off” BoF. For me, this is the future of KDE: a international community of free software producing high-quality, secure and open source software to several platforms, from desktop to mobile. In fact this is how KDE is organized and works right now, but we don’t communicate it properly for the public. Maybe with the changes in our release approach, the websites for specific projects, and the distribution in different application stores can change how the public see our community.
The day trip was in Lake Como, in the city of Varenna. That trip was wonderful, I was every time thinking about spend my honeymoon in that city. I expect to back there in the future, and spend some days tripping across the cities like that.

I would like to thank you all the local team, Riccardo and his friends, for organize this incredible edition of Akademy. Milan is a very beautiful city, with nice food, historical spots to visit and discovery more about the Italians.
Finally, my gratitude to KDE e.V. for sponsor my attendance in Akademy.
In this link you can see videos of Akademy 2019 presentations and BoFs.